“The 53rd Annual CMA Awards” aired live Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019 on ABC Television Network. Each year, The CMA Awards nominees and winners are determined by more than 7,300 industry professional members of the Country Music Association, which when established in 1958, became the first trade organization formed to promote an individual genre of music. The first CMA Awards Banquet and Show was held in 1967. The following year, the CMA Awards was broadcast on NBC Television for the first time – making it the longest running, annual music awards program on network television. The show began airing on the ABC Television Network in 2006 where it still airs today.
At its inception in 1967, the CMA Awards trophy was designed to resemble a chart bullet. Constructed of a rich walnut and a sturdy marble base, the trophy signified the strength, durability and warmth of the genre. A brass music note adorning the center read “Best Liked World Wide,” CMA’s slogan at the time. The limited supply of walnut wood in 1983 encouraged a transition to crystal, the material still used today. With the update arrived a new medallion in the center that has been modified only slightly since.
Today’s 15-inch, 6-pound trophy is a stylish, high-value adornment made of hand-blown fine crystal in Florence, Italy, with final assembly by Francis & Lusky in Nashville, Tenn. The CMA logo appears on a tri-level, die-struck medallion in polished bronze. After the CMA Awards winners have been revealed live on the annual broadcast, the award is engraved with the winner’s name, year and CMA Awards category.
Similar to the Oscars and the Grammys, the CMA Awards are voted on by members of the Country Music Association – meaning Awards nominees and winners are honored by their peers in the music industry. Members of the CMA are music executives, artists, publicists, songwriters, musicians, touring professionals and other industry professionals from all around the world.
Awards criteria, rules of election and balloting procedures are established by CMA’s Board of Directors. Singles, albums, music videos and qualified music products for the annual show must have been first released or reached peak chart position during the eligibility period, which for the 2020 show was July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.
This Award goes to the artist. The Award is for the act displaying the greatest competence in all aspects of the entertainment field. Voter should give consideration not only to recorded performance, but also to the in-person performance, staging, public acceptance, attitude, leadership, and overall contribution to the Country Music image.
This Award goes to the artist, producer, and mix engineer. The Award is for individual tracks only. This category will include both digital releases as well as physical releases. The track must have reached the Top 10 of Billboard’s Country Airplay Chart, Billboard’s Hot Country Songs Chart, or Country Aircheck Chart for the first time during the eligibility period. If the single charted in the Top 10 on the above charts and was released prior to the eligibility period but achieved its highest chart position during the eligibility period, it is eligible unless it has previously appeared on a Final Ballot in this category.
The First Ballot will contain a full list of all eligible songs based on charting activity during the eligibility period.
In this category, the Second Ballot will contain the eligible nominations from the First Ballot and the Top 5 from the combined tabulation of the Country Singles Charts from Billboard’s Country Airplay Chart, Billboard’s Hot Country Songs Chart, and Country Aircheck Chart.
This Award goes to the artist and producer. The Award is for a Country album as a whole unit as defined by the Billboard Album charts. The album should be judged on all aspects including, but not limited to, artist’s performance, musical background, engineering, packaging, design, art, layout and liner notes. At least 75% of the recordings on the album must have achieved peak national prominence during the eligibility period. Greatest hits albums or compilation albums consisting of previously released recordings are not eligible for this award.
The album must have charted on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart for the first time during the eligibility period. However, if the album charted on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart prior to the eligibility period, but achieved its highest chart position for the first time during the eligibility period, it is eligible unless it has previously appeared on a Final Ballot in this category.
This Award goes to the songwriter(s) and is for artistic achievement in songwriting. Any Country Music song with original words and music is eligible based upon the song’s Country singles chart activity during the eligibility period.
Songs that have previously appeared on a Final Ballot in this category are ineligible.
This Award goes to the artist. The Award is based on individual musical performance on a solo Country single or album release.
This Award goes to the artist. The Award is based on individual musical performance on a solo Country single or album release.
This Award goes to the group. A group is defined as an act, composed of three (3) or more people, all of whom normally perform together and none of whom is known primarily as an individual performing artist. This Award is based on the musical performance of the group as a unit on a Country single or album release.
This Award goes to the duo. A duo is defined as an act composed of two people, both of whom normally perform together and neither of whom is known primarily as an individual performing artist. This Award is based on the musical performance of the duo as a unit on a Country single or album release.
This Award goes to each artist and producer. An event is defined as a collaboration of two or more people either or all of whom are known primarily as a Country artist. They must have performed together, as a unit, on a Country single or Country album initially released domestically during the eligibility period with each artist prominently featured and credited on the initial recording as a collaboration. Live performance events and background vocals are not eligible.
This Award goes to the musician. The Award is for a musician known primarily as an instrumental performer. In order to qualify, a musician must have played on any combination of five albums or singles that have appeared in the Top 10 of the Country album or singles charts from Billboard’s Country Airplay Chart, Billboard’s Hot Country Songs Chart, or Country Aircheck Chart, or be certified Gold by RIAA on an album or single released during the eligibility period. In this category, performers where musician is also credited as Producer are not eligible. Voting for this award will only be limited to members in the Musician, Composer, Producer/Engineer/Studio, and Artist Categories of CMA Membership.
This Award goes to the artist and director. The Award is for an original Country Music video not more than ten (10) minutes in length featuring the performance of not more than one (1) song or medley. The video must have been first nationally broadcast in its entirety during the eligibility period. The video should be judged on all audio and video elements including, but not limited to, the artist’s performance, video concept and production.
This Award goes to the artist. The Award is to the artist, whether individual or a group, who is known primarily as a Country artist, who has for the first time demonstrated the most significant creative growth and development in overall consumption or chart activity, live performance and/or national media recognition related to the launch of their career. Any artist who has previously won a CMA Award (except Song of the Year, Musical Event of the Year and Music Video of the Year) or who has twice been a final nominee for the Horizon Award or New Artist of the Year Award is ineligible for nomination.